FUEL FOR THE FUTURE a newly established community garden provides a neighborhood with fresh produce.
BUILDING ASSETS 15 families complete a certification course preparing them to buy their first home.
STAYING ON TRACK an employee meets with a Work/Life Solutions resource coordinator to address needs like housing, mental health, income support or family support.
HOLISTIC HELP 8 children and their families connect with the academic, health and social supports they need through their local Full-Service Community School.
SCHOOL SUCCESS 20 parents attend a workshop on family engagement and supporting their students’ success.
EARLY LEARNING 7 children receive a book a month for the entire school year.
HEALTHY BABIES an expectant parent gets to and from doctor appointments for a month.
Puts a book in the hands of a local child each month until their fifth birthday, supporting early childhood literacy
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Change Starts Here
With your donation, we are working to break a cycle of hardship that affects 40% of Erie County Families